Strawberry Christmas Cake

In Japan Christmas is very popular holiday now, even japanese people dont know what is it exactly, they love to have Christmas party and give each other gifts. Usually, in this day people eat white cream cake with strawberries. Therefore, japanese grow strawberries for Christmas holiday and for this cake. I decided to make a very similar raw cake for my japanese family. You should understand, even raw food can be unhealthy. Yes, mix of many ingrediends and mix fruits with nuts is not good for our health, but if you have to choose one, of course, raw cake is better than one from the shop. Almost raw cakes are made from nuts, and often from cawshew nuts. Its not easy to find raw cashew nuts,  which will sprout, be careful. This cake is easy to make and very delicious, all my no vegan family loved it and could not understand what is this a nice taste 😉 It was not easy to explan them about raw food, but I tried my best. 🙂 Here you are, I made a video how I made this yummy cake. Hope you will like it!