Raw Apple Pie Cake

Very easy to make, low fat raw food sweets! Raw Apple Pie Cake
apple-pie-7This recipe I made for my raw food class. You can find many recipes of raw apple pie and all of them are very similar, so maybe this is not surprise for you, but anyway, I would like to share it with you 😉 Like many raw vegans I have a not good reaction for raw cakes made from nuts with oil. So this apple pie cake  is perfect for those who looking for law fat sweets.  Its easy to make and only some ingredients you need. I love this apple pie cake! 🙂

For the Crust (12-15 cm cake pan)
4 dried figs イチジク
10 dried dates ナツメヤシ(small size)
2 tbsp dried mulberries クワの実 (optional)

Pulse in food processor until crumbled well. Check as you pulse, scraping down sides. When mixture sticks together when pinched with your fingers, its ready to put in your cake or pie dish. Gently press in cake pan to form the crust. Refrigerate crust to chill and set.

apple-pie3 For the Filling
10-15 dried dates ナツメヤシ(small size)
1-2 fresh apples (sour apples are prefered)
2 tsp lecithin レシチン(optional) *Lecithin adds a nice creamy flavor.
1 full tsp cinnamon シナモン
1/2 tsp nutmeg ナツメグ

Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Blend it very well, long time.
apple-pie-5Apple layer
We need 2 fresh apples (sliced very thinly, its nice to use a Mandolin Vegetable Slicer)

Fill cake pan with filling and top with sliced apples. Start by placing apples in a full circle, starting from the outside rim and working around to the center. Repeat its again and again untill you fill up all cake pan.

apple-pie-6For the Topping (this makes the pie extra special)
pecans or walnuts, dried apples, dried mulberries, cinnamon and others

Mix together to make small chunky texture and crumble over top. Or you can make your own decor with fresh sliced apples and other topping ingredients you have. Refrigerate pie to chill and set.


Bon Appetit!